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Niklas Werth

Cantina updates, mostly.

Lots of visual work on the cantina.

The website is updated, and fixed, so I can upload images again, hurray! The new version of ghost also allows video uploads, which I don't intend to go crazy with, I don't want to eat all the storage, but it should be helpful in some cases

I'm also not sure if I want to make the hutt in the cantina one of the central antagonists for the planet storyline, or just a lieutenant, but I'm leaning towards central antagonist. I wanted to have a second level, thats still on Nar Shaddaa, where you break into his palace and confront him about ** spoilers ** and then a boss fight. I think I can still do that if he's in the cantina though, he'd just have to leave at a certain point. Maybe in a cutscene where he makes his exit, leaving the player to deal with some mercenaries or guards.

For the third room, I was thinking it would have a minigame focus, a way for the player to earn some credits. Either swoop racing or arena combat. Arena combat would be a lot easier, but swoop racing would be a cool excuse for me to code some systems again, which would be nice, since I've completed most critical features already, and I miss coding. It would be a good break from the normal gameplay as well.

I was also considering entering another game jam, or just doing a few smaller challenge games for myself, just to fight burnout on this project, give myself a little break to come back refreshed, make sure im still practicing my coding skills, and so on.

It turns out I have Covid, unfortunately. Which is why I've been getting severe headaches. It's definitely affected my productivity a fair amount. Hopefully it passes, but Its been nearly two weeks since my first positive test, and a about a month since the symptoms first showed up. So.. we'll see. I was waiting for either the symptoms to clear up, or for two weeks to test again, in which case I will test this coming Sunday.