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Niklas Werth

Jedi Game: Devlog January 25th -28th 2023

as a heads up, Im writing this late at night with a headache, so it might not make any sense.

I had to do a some cleanup to get my project files hosted on github. A lot of my .blends for characters in the project contained multi-resolution data. Unity works great with blender because you can just keep your .blend files in the project hierarchy and easily edit them whenever, and it'll automatically import them back into the scene/game engine as .fbx. It imports the scene as it displays in viewport in blender, so as long as I had my multi-resolution set to 0 for the viewport, its all fine, the .fbx only has what it needs and runs efficiently. But all that data adds up when you're trying to backup the files, I had a few character files that ended up being around 100 MB, which wouldn't upload by default. I tried installing and adding them to git LFS. But I was still unable to push to github, and multiple upload attempts actually used up all my free git LFS data.

files too big!

Even afte removing the large files, I still wasn't able to push to github, because my pack exceeded the allowed limit of 2GB total. To get around that, I started adding a few directories at a time,

  • git add /assets/folder, git commit -m "added this or that", git push -u origin main

In the proccess, I discovered that I had left the unity terrain samples package in my directory, which I was only using a couple textures from, which takes up two gigabytes. There was my primary size issue. Removed that, and the push went just fine, and now I finally have a backup of all my code, textures, models, levels, everything I've been working on for this game. So if, Zeus forbid, something happened to my local drive, I would not lose everything.

Anyways. For reasons I can diagnose later, the website wont let me upload images directly, so I'm just gonna upload to imgur and add those files in for now.

Here's the most recent visually interesting things I've been working on.

Picture of a hutt
Hutt model!
picture of the side of a hutt
Side of hutt!

at the time of writing, he's basically done, but I still need to rig him.

The Dancing Mynock is getting a huge makeover (definitely very WIP)
inside The Dancing Mynock (very WIP)

Unless I'm forgetting something, nothing else particularly noteworthy to show.

I'm not totally feeling the new Cantina. Its maybe a bit too spacious at the moment, though, that would of course be fixed by filling it some. But from a design perspective, it does feel maybe a little weird to have the dancing stage off to the side, and the bar in the center where it can kind of block the dancers from some patrons?