Despite the scenes serene intentions, I had a lot of difficulties with this one. I hadn't really done a waterfall river scene like this before, The plan from the beginning was to animate it, and I think I got so caught up in the technical aspects of that, that I didn't really plan out my composition before I had built most of the scene. I moved the camera around, played with some shadows and light and I think I mostly salvaged it. I likely would have kept tweaking and readjusting and working on it, had blender not been crashing regularly on the scene, and had the render not taken about twelve hours to complete. Sometimes, its just time to move on.
heres a viewport screenshot.
Oh, and I should put this somewhere. It's not really at all related, it was also done before the river scene, on the sixth, just a late night doodle when I couldn't sleep.
I'm still not really sure how I should go about updating the website. I want to put all my work on here, but I do a lot of work, and a post feels so.. official? You know?I've thought about maybe doing a weekly roundup or something.
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